Working At Circuit Lab

We are always interested in collaborating with creative, technology-oriented educators. Working at Circuit Lab typically involves one of the following roles:
- Summer Lead Instructor: Full-time work leading summer programs
from June to August.
- This position is most suitable for experienced educators with
minimum 1 year of experience managing classrooms with 20 or
more students, and prior work experience in STEM education
or professional experience in another technical field.
- Summer Assistant Instructor: Full-time work assisting in
summer programs from June to August.
- This position is most suitable for high school or college
students pursuing technical degrees, who can provide expert
one-on-one troubleshooting assistance to our students and
help them take their projects to the next level. Prior experience
in group educational settings is preferred.
- School-Year Lead Instructor: Part-time, year-round work
leading after-school classes and vacation-week programs.
- We seek the same qualifications as for Summer Lead Instructors. Group
sizes are smaller during the school year — up to 12 children at a time —
and after-school programs typically run for about 15 hours per week.
View our current job openings on Indeed.
Contact us for more information or apply for open positions by sending a cover letter and résumé to